Thursday, July 23, 2009

About Social Hospital

Social Hospital was founded by a hospital chief financial officer that sees tremendous value in the usage of social media tools to build relationships with the communities that we serve. I believe that this emerging technology will very soon become as much a part of our everyday business world as email is today.

I believe that we will be engaging conversations with our employees, medical staff, board members, patients, residents of the communities we serve, and other hospitals like we never have before.

News will be broadcast and received at the speed of technology.. Physicians will be engaging in conversations with their patients using twitter. Public relations folks will be communicating health fairs, events, blood drives to an engaged community of facebook friends. Administrators will no longer be the person that sits in the big corner office - they will be out front and center engaged in online dialog with those that they serve. Employees will no longer have to learn things on the back smoking dock or in the cafeteria.

With the push for health care transparency - what better way to become more transparent than with the use of social media tools at our hospitals??

Happy Communicating - John


  1. found you through twitter - great idea and great tagline. keep up the good tweeting!


  2. tony - thanx for the comment and wishes - i enjoy your SG2 stuff too..

  3. Top Hospitals In Chennai...........
